Environmental Graphics, Wayfinding, Signage, Construction
此案對英方的挑戰,不僅是規劃與設計出明確且讓人一目瞭然的指標,也希望承襲亞東群體眾志成城的健康服務事業理念,將之融入醫院的環境氛圍裡。於南北兩棟各使用綠色及黃色作為主題色塊,兩色象徵著生命嫩芽之欣欣向榮,和溫暖陽光照耀關懷,方便立即區分各診間所在地,同時也和亞東醫院的核心理念相互吻合。 空間中妥善運用兩主題所延伸的圖案圖騰,並加強字體與圖示呈現的辨識性與閱讀性,希望讓拜訪與就診病患能有安心溫暖的經驗。
Far Eastern Memorial Hospital was established in 1981. The founder managed the hospital with his motto ”What you take from society, you must give back.”
In this project, IFA hoped not only to design a clear and easily understood signage system, but also to incorporate the spirit of the health service industry of which the Far Eastern Group holds dearly, and immerge it into the hospital environment.
The south and east wings have green and yellow as their individual color theme. The two colors symbolize the vitality of nature and the caress warmth of the sun. The color scheme helps distinguishing the two great areas, and thereby making each clinical department easier to locate. The font and the icons from the original signs have been redesigned to make them more apparent, therefore creating a more friendly environment for all the visitors.